Below is a list of articles and books for your reference.
Recommended Reading
We believe that the sacraments of baptism and communion serve as both signs and seals, initiated by God Himself, to visibly display His promise of grace given to His people.
For More information on our beliefs and practice of each of the sacraments, please review documents listed below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of the pastors to talk further.
The Lord's Supper
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
At Jacob's Well Church we practice both believer baptisms of adults and household baptisms of children
A Biblical Explanation of Household Baptism - Pastor Dan
why plant churches?
For more information about why we plant churches, please read the following article by Dr. Timothy Keller.
Daily Readings from all four gospels
by JC Ryle
Reason I love this guy’s writings and devotions. He’s a skilled surgeon. Just when you’re comforted by the truths and promises of the Gospel, BAM, he convicts you to move on those promises, never leaving you sitting but continuing to lunge me forward in my walk and faith.
the valley of vision
A selection of prayers and meditations in the Puritan tradition, widely valued since publication in 1975. One of Pastor Dan's favorites!
Delighting in the trinity: an intro to christian faith
by Michael Reeves
Just finished this one. I love how this book is called an “intro” to the Christian faith because it is anything but introductory in its content. What it does introduce though, is a refreshing and perspective-changing view of how everything the trinitarian God does is motivated by a desire that we, His creation, might experience the pleasure of His life as a trinity.
suffering and the heart of god
by Diane Langberg
I’m working my way through this one. It’s difficult. Not because it is dense or confusing. Difficult because it provides a picture into what it looks like to enter into suffering, particularly suffering that oftentimes the church struggles with engaging such as sexual abuse, trauma, rape, and murder. The author has a vast amount of experience in being present with those who have experience such atrocities. It’s given me new perspectives on offering Christ’s hope and redemption in the midst of incredible suffering.
the soul of shame-retelling the stories we believe about ourselves
by Curt Thompson MD
This book does an incredible work in identifying the role that shame has in keeping us isolated but also offers significant hope in shedding light on how Christ’s work of redemption. I appreciate how he sees vulnerability as the antidote to shame and talks about how Christ’s incarnation and vulnerable death on the cross “despises shame” and restores our relationship with God and with others.